Marquesado Solar appears in the national press

20 - February - 2017

On the 19th of February, the Spanish National newspaper ABC dedicates a page in the Economy section to the thermosolar power plant Andasol 3.

In the article it is highlighted the R&D of the plant, materialised in the molten salt storage system. Thanks to it, the plant is able to produce 24 hours a day and to offer a reliable production by compensating the radiation fluctuations.

In addition, it is emphasised the location of Andasol 3, in the municipalities of Aldeire and La Calahorra, on the foothills of Sierra Nevada and with an altitude which allows having a direct solar irradiation much higher than in other settlements.

All the foregoing points out the excellent site and technology of the thermosolar power plant Andasol 3.

The published article is shown below: