Category: Marquesado Solar

Marquesado Solar appears in the national press

On the 19th of February, the Spanish National newspaper ABC dedicates a page in the Economy section to the thermosolar power plant Andasol 3. In the article it is highlighted the R&D of the plant, materialised in the molten salt storage system. Thanks to it, the plant is able to produce 24 hours a day and… Leer más »

Gratitude for the Open Day

Last saturday 15th of October 2016, the first Open Day of the thermosolar plant Andasol 3 took place. Thanks to the good reception by both the region and the MQS workers’ relatives, the event was a great success. For this reason, Marquesado Solar wants to thank for the interest and willingness shown by the numerous visitors…. Leer más »

Marquesado Solar launches new website

Marquesado Solar is pleased to present its new website. Through different sections you can discover operation details of Andasol 3, distinguish the parts which forms it, and know the aspect of the solar power plant by means of the wide audiovisual gallery. In addition, the web visitor can contact the company through its form. Welcome.